The Miracle of Lemon

Not just for making delicious lemonade, like turning water into wine, the lemon with its citric acid quickly changes an acid constitution outside the body into an alkaline one inside the body. With its heavy fruit calcium, it supplies bones, teeth, and the nervous system with basic nourishment. One of its grandest properties is its ability to help digest proteins.
Apart from being a storehouse of Vitamin C, lemons are also enriched with Vitamin B6, copper, potassium, magnesium, zinc, flavonoids, antioxidants, and phosphorus. Adding lemon to your diet will help keep digestion and tummy troubles like constipation at bay. It is known to cleanse the digestive system along with blood purifying properties.
Juice from one lemon in a glass of warm water, especially first thing in the morning is very effective to stimulate bowel movement.
Lemon Chases Away Halitosis. Not only is the lemon a local antiseptic for offensive breath but alkalizes internally as well.


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