Immune System Essentials

Corona virus has awakened many people to the important role their immune system plays in protecting them against diseases. Many are inquiring about how to strengthen their body's immune system, in hopes of fighting off issues that might arise from contact with the Corona virus. The information presented here is not intended to treat. We encourage all our readers to follow proper guidelines. The information and products presented will, however, help you prepare your body to more effectively fight against invaders, including those associated with various contagious diseases.

This post gives an overview of how the Immune System works, what happens when it does not, and how you can keep it functioning as effectively as possible. Other posts on the site expands on this information,  presenting practical insights on boosting your immune system naturally.

Your Immune System in Action

Your immune system is your body’s version of the military, sworn to defend against all who threaten it, both foreign and domestic. It identifies, remembers, attacks, and destroys disease causing invaders as well as transformed or infected cells. When functioning optimally, the immune system is a powerful protector.

When your immune system is functioning properly, it takes advantage of your body’s miraculous ability to recognize “self” (that would be you) from “non-self” (that would be viruses, bacteria, yeast, and so on).  When the “non-selves” are present, the immune system deploys an elite force of chemical weapons to keep the invaders at bay.

(See what happens when the body loses its ability to recognize “self”)

Underactive immune system

An underactive immune system is like an undermanned fort. There are just not enough troops to keep the invaders from taking over.

Low immunity indicators

Lifestyle and environment factors have plenty to do with low immunity.  Poor diet, inadequate vitamin or mineral intake, bad sleep habits, stress, smoking and countless other toxins can wear down your immune system. 

How can you tell if your immune system is dysfunctional?

  • Frequent colds and flu

  • Herpes (cold sore) outbreaks

  • Allergies

  • Continual fatigue

  • Candida yeast overgrowth

  • Painful joints and muscles

  • Parasite infections

  • Psoriasis and eczema

  • Inflammatory disorders

Your body spends so much time resisting the effects of these harmful elements that by the time a real cold comes along, your immunity army has already been devastated.


Sugar impacts the immune system

North Americans love some sugar, it is the root of many problems, it probably should have a warning label.  Our immune system function is severely hampered by sugar consumption. The negative effects of sugar consumption have been well documented in medical journals around the world.
When your T-cells (killer cells) is under the influence of sugar, immune cells are unable to march around the body fighting invaders…those with a sweet tooth know how addicting sugar can be.

Overeating suppresses the immune system

The National Institute on Aging in Bethesda did a test, they fed animals 50 % fewer calories per day and observed that their immune response was greater.
Some invading organisms are so determined to get through the physical barriers provided by the immunity that we are born with, especially if we have poor nutrition and excessive stress, it just does not perform well and eventually breaks down because it has been taxed to the max.

Over-use of antibiotic affects the immune system

Over-use of antibiotic brakes down your immune.  Your intestines contain around 100 trillion bacteria of various strains. While some can be deadly, there’s a natural balance in the gut that can be thrown out of whack by antibiotics. These helpful bacteria, known as gut flora, support immunity and proper digestion.

Many people, especially children, are vulnerable to unwelcome side effects of unnecessary antibiotics, including lasting changes to their gut flora.  Bacteria found naturally inside your gut have a protective barrier effect against other living organisms that enter your body. They help the body prevent harmful bacteria from rapidly growing in your stomach, which could spell disaster for your bowels.

How to boost your immune system naturally

  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Obtain adequate protein from natural sources like vegetables. Eat Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, garlic and similar worthwhile food. Eat whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

  • Maintain a balanced lifestyle

  • Obtaining enough sunlight, give your body the vitamin D that strengthens your immune system

  • Get regular exercise

  • Get enough rest daily 7-8 hours

  • Get enough pure water daily

  • Get clean air to purify your bloodstream and cells

  • Eat a proper diet

  • Trust in divine power

  • Be moderate in all you do

Time Tested Herbs Keep You Healthy

From ancient times, herbs have played a vital role in the healing traditions of many cultures. Plants have been used to keep people healthy, fight diseases, and treat symptoms. Many of the most powerfully healing herbs are widely used in traditional medicine today just as it was dating back to the Egyptian civilization about 1700 BC.
Whether you are looking for immune system regulation, antiviral properties, anti-inflammatory powers or symptom relief, there is an herbal remedy that can aid your immune military in fighting the invaders.


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